Monday, 16 December 2019

Methodology Reflection

Methodology Reflection

Hi guys, this will be my final blog for this module!! I’m nearly finished with my first semester in college, crazy how time flies. Today I will be reflecting on my past mission in methodology.

Overall I didn’t enjoy this mission, and I didn’t think it went too well. As a team, we worked well and I think we tried really hard, but it was just hard to actually make our vision come to life. We put a lot of effort and time into it. I edited the video and it was a real struggle that took me a long time and in the end, it didn’t even look good. I learned that editing is hard and I don’t know how people can do it as a living, maybe I’ll have to practise some more but it really just frustrated me. I have edited videos before using the same programme and I really didn’t find it as hard so I’m really not sure what happened. It’s probably down to the fact I wasn’t in the other video and I was in this. I just didn’t think it was great. Maybe the fact that this was for a grade too and the other was for fun and to upload to YouTube. I think the fact that I didn’t really enjoy the topic of digital journalism like I originally thought I would. I probably should’ve gone with mapping and did something fun with that. But at the time of picking a mission, I thought digital journalism would be best. I learned that digital journalism is hard, we were going to pick two real topics to report on but we couldn’t find two that were funny and yet interesting, that is why we made two up. I learned that my creative blocks are hard to get through and made it so hard to come up with good things to do for the video. I spent so long trying to come up with something we could do but I just couldn’t get it. We went very wrong with the video, I misread some things and didn’t realise we were meant to state some stuff at the start about our project and what it was and definitions. So that’s why they’re not there, I just didn’t realise. The success of the project was definitely finishing it and having a final video. I was stressed about it trying to finishing it and then editing it and adding music and everything. The failures, as I have stated, was also the finished video, it definitely wasn’t up to scratch for the assignment and watching some of the other videos made me realise that. But we did get it done and uploaded in time which not everyone did that so I am proud of that I guess. We really tried, it wasn’t our best work but we did try. I will definitely start any projects I get in the future as soon as I get them as stressing to get it done and put in the hours of work while leaving yourself short isn’t fun. 

That’s all from me now, this is the final blog so I probably won’t be back,
Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

The Product of the Methodology Mission


Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog, in this post I will be talking about the product from my methodology mission. As I had previously stated I’m in a group with Anna and Lougein! We started off well and we all hit it off well. We were struggling to come up with a good idea, we wanted to make it good but funny. We brainstormed for hours really, we just couldn’t figure it out, just as there were so many different routes we could take this. We narrowed it down to two ideas finally. It was between writing a news piece on the same story but everyone writes it in a different form of digital journalism and then we make the video showing this, or we parody a YouTube news video about celebrity gossip and we act to be the celebrities as well. We ended up picking the parody of the YouTube news video.

Then we were left with picking the topics and if we were going to be real news or just made-up news. We thought it would be funnier if we picked fake news or news that we thought would happen in the future. So we had to make up the news stories then, we wanted funny ones that people would get straight away. We ended up choosing a story about the video coming online about Kylie Jenner being pregnant with her 9th baby and Linsey Lohan breaking down and cutting her hair. We tried for funny but I don’t really think it came out through the video, but hey at least we tried.

When we finally decided on that we went on to think about how we were going to set the video up and even a script. We quickly scrapped most of the script as it didn’t seem genuine. So we talked about what each of us could say and just to keep going with it so it wouldn’t seem so fake. We had to use our own clips for the mission so Lougein offered to dress up as both Kylie Jenner and Linsey Lohan. On the day we were filming Lougein brought in wigs and extra clothes and I brought in my camera and we were all set to film. We found a free room in the college and set up in there. We borrowed a tripod from Danniella, this meant we could prop the camera up and we could sit in front of it around the table. We started with the scenes of Kylie and Linsey as we thought once we had them filmed we could actually react to them rather than trying to make it up beforehand. It would flow more naturally after we film it and have seen it. So we filmed the Kylie video outside and pretended she was leaving her house, and we filmed the Linsey video inside the room we were using. After we had that done we sat down to record the actual video. This was difficult as we kept messing up or after we had it filmed it didn’t seem right so we filmed it a few times and just hoping for the best at the end each time. Finally, we had one we were happy with and we decided to go with that.

Editing the video proved very difficult and the three of us weren’t too knowledgeable on editing. I seemed to have the most knowledge which isn’t a lot so we all tried to do our bits, I did a lot of it and hopefully, it came out okay. We added all the clips together and then added backing music and intro music to make it seem like a news show. We recorded a bit of the process during editing and we added that to the video too and even added a little voiceover over the editing part. That is basically the whole video!
I hope everyone enjoyed this blog post, I will not be posting the video as I’m far too embarrassed, hahaha sorry. 

Thanks for reading
Talk soon,

Monday, 9 December 2019

Process of Methodology

Hello and welcome to my blog!! This post I’m going to talk about the process for my latest and final mission for Intro to Digital Media which is Methodology.

I’m not too sure what to expect from this mission. None of the choices jumps out of me like the last two missions. With the last two, each time one jumped out at me each time, because I enjoyed the topic. I ended up going with Digital Journalism as I thought it would be the best for me. I am in a group with two girls from group 5, Anna and Lougein. We had all picked Digital Journalism and had similar ideas so we said we’d go together and see what we came up with. My goals for this mission is to do the best I can. I don’t have much experience editing videos and Digital Journalism isn’t my best subject but I hope I can make it work. Another goal of mine is to learn all about Digital Journalism. I think this would be good knowledge to have as you never know when you could use it again. I hope we make a good video and I hope it’s entertaining and funny. I think it is going to be hard to achieve this, I have many ideas in my head but to actually have it come alive is going to be hard. I’ve seen so many YouTube videos with cool editing and would love to be able to add that to the video as I think it would really stand out. I’m not sure how to do anything like that though, so we will see what I can learn quickly. It would be great if one of the other girls I’m in the group with could edit, that way we would be able to add cool things and she would know what she’s doing. There are loads of different recourses we can use for this mission. Obviously, Premiere Pro to make the video, then there are so many different things at the tips of our fingers. YouTube would have so many videos on digital journalism and examples of digital journalism. We could go with that kind of route for our video, or maybe even write up a piece each on the same news story from different angles. There really are loads of ways we can go at this, I’m very excited to get into it fully and see what we come up with. I am very nervous though as I have said it’s definitely not in my comfort zone, but I will just have to push on and hopefully produce the best that I can. I’m excited to work with two new people that I haven’t worked with before, it’s very interesting to see how close you can get to someone by doing a project with them. Every group I have been with have all been completely different, so it’s good to explore this and get used to working with people! 
Overall I’m very excited to do this mission and I hope everything works out for us and we can figure this out and produce the best video we are capable of.

Thanks for reading, 
Talk soon,
Megan :)