Monday, 16 December 2019

Methodology Reflection

Methodology Reflection

Hi guys, this will be my final blog for this module!! I’m nearly finished with my first semester in college, crazy how time flies. Today I will be reflecting on my past mission in methodology.

Overall I didn’t enjoy this mission, and I didn’t think it went too well. As a team, we worked well and I think we tried really hard, but it was just hard to actually make our vision come to life. We put a lot of effort and time into it. I edited the video and it was a real struggle that took me a long time and in the end, it didn’t even look good. I learned that editing is hard and I don’t know how people can do it as a living, maybe I’ll have to practise some more but it really just frustrated me. I have edited videos before using the same programme and I really didn’t find it as hard so I’m really not sure what happened. It’s probably down to the fact I wasn’t in the other video and I was in this. I just didn’t think it was great. Maybe the fact that this was for a grade too and the other was for fun and to upload to YouTube. I think the fact that I didn’t really enjoy the topic of digital journalism like I originally thought I would. I probably should’ve gone with mapping and did something fun with that. But at the time of picking a mission, I thought digital journalism would be best. I learned that digital journalism is hard, we were going to pick two real topics to report on but we couldn’t find two that were funny and yet interesting, that is why we made two up. I learned that my creative blocks are hard to get through and made it so hard to come up with good things to do for the video. I spent so long trying to come up with something we could do but I just couldn’t get it. We went very wrong with the video, I misread some things and didn’t realise we were meant to state some stuff at the start about our project and what it was and definitions. So that’s why they’re not there, I just didn’t realise. The success of the project was definitely finishing it and having a final video. I was stressed about it trying to finishing it and then editing it and adding music and everything. The failures, as I have stated, was also the finished video, it definitely wasn’t up to scratch for the assignment and watching some of the other videos made me realise that. But we did get it done and uploaded in time which not everyone did that so I am proud of that I guess. We really tried, it wasn’t our best work but we did try. I will definitely start any projects I get in the future as soon as I get them as stressing to get it done and put in the hours of work while leaving yourself short isn’t fun. 

That’s all from me now, this is the final blog so I probably won’t be back,
Thanks for reading,

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